Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mid Life

Sometimes, we all get some wake up calls in our lives. Some are welcomed, some are not. What is the reason for this? Is there a reason for this? I've had both in my life thus far.
What sparked this? It's been a combination of things lately, but yesterday, my ex mother-in-law (who I love) contacted me through Yahoo's Messenger. It was a pleasant surprise to hear from Doris! I really miss Doris and Jack!
I also had my 45th birthday earlier in the month, while flying back from Raleigh, NC to Columbus, OH. I spent the weekend with Karin, her boys, her mom, Patrick, David, Ralph, and Susan. Garrett graduated from Eastern Carolina University and it was a very nice weekend! I'm so happy I was able to share in the joy and spend time with people I care deeply about.

Maybe it's where I am in my life that's made me take a look at who I am and why I'm here.
I think about how I was raised and everything I've learned from my family and friends. I've not been the greatest communicator for the last 5 years, and I feel remorse for this. I didn't realize this about myself until I became involved with a man that was not good with communication. I struggled with this over the course of the relationship with him. He's not communicating with me, then I won't communicate with him!
Petty! What stubbornness on my part! Is that a trait from my zodiac sign or did I learn this?
The lack of communication over the years didn't just affect my relationship with him, it also had an effect on all my loved ones! I'm amazed and overwhelmed at times knowing that I have those loved ones in my life and I want them to know how much I appreciate and love them in my life. I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you when I really did need to be there.
Yes, my 45th birthday was a wake up call to be a better human being! The last 5 years, I've been coasting through life...NO MORE!
I have so much I want to accomplish in my life and I know I'll do it because it never leaves my soul.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Photo and HTML Confusion

It's taken me awhile to understand how to post pictures on my blog. This should have been much easier than what I actually had to do to post a photo that was part of my profile!
First, I had to download third party software to post photographs here. Posting any picture on the blog is easy, but adding it to your profile....not so easy!
I don't know HTML, yet I was expected to know the coding for where the picture is stored on their server. WHAT????
Research, more research...we're a visual society.....why can't we just add pictures by drag and drop?
Sure, I did a new post, browsed to my hard drive, then uploaded the picture, publish the post, that was easy.
It becomes complicated after that.
Now I have to edit the post, look at the HTML and try to find out what it is I have to copy of the HTML so I can paste it in the URL box of the profile!
Try 1: ERROR

More research.....


This shouldn't be so difficult......sure, I learned, but it was a royal pain in the butt. Now that a current photo of me is stored, I won't be changing it soon...
The next time I need to update the profile photo, I'll retain how to do so. What a stupid learning curve just to add that picture!

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